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Anesthesiologist accused of talking on phone during dental surgery gets probation

Anesthesiologist accused of talking on phone during dental surgery gets probation

A local anesthesiologist who was accused by the state medical board of using his cell phone instead of monitoring a patient who died during oral surgery has been placed on probation for three years.

The Medical Board of California disciplined Dr. Barry Lynn Friedberg on Feb. 3, more than five years after 57-year-old Paula Kane went into cardiac arrest during an operation to replace her dental implants at Smile Implant Center in Newport Beach.

Friedberg and the dentist performing the surgery, Thomas John Teich – who has since relinquished his dental license – delayed calling 911, then Friedberg interfered with paramedics as they resuscitated her, according to the medical board. Kane never regained consciousness and died four days later in a hospital.

Friedberg – who, according to the state dental board, did not have a permit to administer anesthesia in a dental office – had given Propofol and Ketamine to Kane.

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Anesthesiologist accused of talking on phone during dental surgery gets probation

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