“You could say I was born into a sports home. My dad played college football at UC Davis, and my mom ran track and played soccer throughout high school. When I got to high school, I started to focus on football. I fell in love with the sport, and I became interested in every facet including analyzing why players move the way they do. I work as an equipment manager for the UCLA football team where I work with the coaches to help get the players’ film together, provide notes to players on what they did well and poorly, grade their practice performances, and run drills. Being a part of the UCLA football program has given me insight into what it is like to be a division one athlete. From the endless amounts of food players eat to the police escorts we all receive to our hotels, it has been an experience I will never forget.
Sports gave me an identity. It gave me the confidence and leadership capabilities to be who I am today. I learned how to incorporate people by giving them a specific task to make them feel like they have a role in the bigger picture, and qualities such as leading a team, working hard, and keeping composure while helping others maintain theirs, transfer further than just an athletic field.”
“I am fascinated by sports because it brings people together in a way nothing else does. It builds and reveals people’s character. In stressful situations, you see the extent that people go to work together, but you also see how unified they become in times of celebration.”