Early Tuesday, a 65 year old woman was reported missing from the Celebrity Millennium Cruise Ship. A search was conducted after the woman did not show up for a mandatory customs check on board. She was last scene on board when the ship stopped in Mexico and was found missing while en route to San Diego.
The Coast Guard has explained that it’s not entirely unlikely that the woman fell overboard, and so, they are searching 175 miles worth of traveled sea. The Coast Guard is not only searching by water though. They’re also scoping the ocean from above through HC-130 airplanes. Personal injury attorney’s have been notified, though as of now, there is no evidence of any foul play.
Though it’s not your everyday situation, boat accidents and mishaps do happen, and the results are usually catastrophic. Boat accidents can result in major injuries that could alter the rest of your life. Collisions can result in neck or back injuries, brain trauma, paralysis, or even death. In many incidents, the cruise line is accountable for the injuries incurred by their clients. For this reason, it’s important to contact a personal injury attorney immediately if you’re in a boat accident. An experienced attorney can help you determine if your injuries were caused by faulty maintenance, cruise operator or staff negligence, etc. In any case, a personal injury attorney can help you receive the compensation you deserve.