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Drink Driving Campaign Finds Rise in Number of Drunk Drivers

Brake, a non profit organization that campaigns to stop road deaths and injuries, recently held its Annual Drink Driving Campaign. The charity relayed some pretty interesting and shocking information regarding the percentage of drivers found to be over the legal alcohol limit. Of the almost 90,000 drivers that were breath tested in June, 6.1% were over the legal alcohol limit. This number, compared to last June, when the association found 5.6% over the limit, shows an increase in the amount of drunk drivers on our roads.

Campaign officers are shocked at the results and amazed at the risk drunk drivers are taking not only with their lives, but the lives of fellow drivers on the road. Brake is calling for further government action in making policing the roads and preventing drunk driving a top priority. Their hopes are that the policing efforts will create and use a roadside screening device for ‘drug driving’, as well as enact a zero tolerance ‘drink drive’ limit. Brake hopes that further government action will make people realize that drug or drunk driving is an abhorrent crime that kills thousands, daily.

Drunk driving is the cause of dozens of car accidents each day. The cause of many a wrongful death, drunk drivers must be held accountable for their actions. A good personal injury attorney can help victims of these devastating car accidents receive solace and compensation for their damages. Medical bills pile up, and coping is difficult; the years of rehabilitation can be tedious, but there’s hope in knowing that your personal injury attorney can help you find some peace of mind as they strive for justice.

Drink Driving Campaign Finds Rise in Number of Drunk Drivers

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