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Century City Wrongful Death Lawyer

Century City Wrongful Death Lawyer

Century City Wrongful Death Attorney

When one party causes physical injuries and/or economic losses to another party through an act of negligence or intentional misconduct, this can lead to a personal injury claim. However, if the victim does not survive, their loved ones will need to file a wrongful death suit against the at-fault party instead. If you have recently lost a loved one due to the actions of another party, a Century City wrongful death lawyer is the ideal resource to consult in this situation.

Best Century City Wrongful Death Lawyer

Helping Families With Wrongful Death Claims in Century City, CA

Unexpectedly losing a family member is never easy, but when you know their death resulted from the actions of another party, it can be especially difficult to accept. When you know another party is responsible for your loved one’s death, an experienced Century City wrongful death attorney can help you hold them accountable. The sooner you contact an attorney, the sooner you can begin building your case with confidence.

Heimanson & Wolf, LLP, have years of experience handling all types of complex personal injury claims in Century City, as well as wrongful death claims. We know the emotional stress that a wrongful death can inflict on the victim’s surviving loved ones and the many legal questions that often arise in the aftermath of such events.

Our team has years of professional experience resolving civil claims for damages for our clients in Century City and surrounding communities, and we are ready to put this experience to work for you in your impending wrongful death suit. Money cannot replace a lost family member, but a successful wrongful death claim can help you feel some closure and provide compensation that makes adjusting to your new reality a bit easier.

How to Prove Liability for a Wrongful Death in Century City

A wrongful death claim is similar to a personal injury claim from a procedural perspective when it comes to building the case. To succeed with a wrongful death claim, you must identify the party responsible for causing the death and prove exactly how they caused it. A few of the most common causes of wrongful deaths in the Century City area include:

  • Fatal vehicle crashes. Motor vehicle accidents consistently rank as one of the most common causes of accidental injuries and deaths in the state each year.
  • Work-related accidents. Wrongful deaths in the workplace may lead to claims for workers’ compensation death benefits, but if a specific party caused your loved one’s death at work, this can form grounds for a wrongful death suit.
  • Premises liability. If a property owner does not take proper care of their property, it’s possible for a lawful visitor to suffer a serious injury. If they suffer a fatal injury, the property owner faces liability for the wrongful death under the state’s premises liability laws.
  • Illegal misconduct. Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs, reckless driving, and intentional acts of violence are just a few ways that illegal misconduct may result in death. In this situation, the defendant faces criminal prosecution from the state alongside the wrongful death claim filed by the victim’s family.

When a wrongful death occurs from negligence, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant held a duty of care they breached in some way that directly resulted in the death. Proving liability for a wrongful death resulting from illegal misconduct is more straightforward, and the civil case may unfold in tandem with the criminal case filed by the state.

Your Century City wrongful death attorney can assist you in gathering all evidence needed to firmly prove liability for the death. Once you have proven fault for the wrongful death, you can proceed with claiming compensation for the damages you and your family suffered.

Claimable Damages in Your Wrongful Death Suit

While the main objective of a personal injury claim is for the victim to recover compensation for their damages, the goal of a wrongful death suit is for the victim’s family to recover compensation for the damages they suffered as a result of the death. Once you prove fault for a wrongful death in Century City, your attorney can help hold the defendant accountable for a wide range of damages:

  • The plaintiff in the wrongful death suit has the right to seek compensation for direct economic losses incurred by the estate of the deceased. These may include the cost of the victim’s final medical expenses and any income they were unable to earn during the fatal accident and their death.
  • The family of the victim has the right to seek compensation for their pain and suffering, including loss of consortium and affection for the spouse of the deceased and loss of parental companionship and guidance for the children of the deceased.
  • You can claim compensation for the financial support the victim can no longer provide. Your Century City wrongful death attorney can help calculate the future income they can no longer earn and add this to your claim.
  • Whoever pays for the victim’s funeral and burial can recoup any related expenses through the wrongful death suit.

Economic damages are straightforward and proven with the appropriate documentation. However, determining suitable pain and suffering compensation in a wrongful death claim is more challenging, and state law does not limit this aspect of recovery in most wrongful death suits. Your Century City wrongful death attorney can assist you in determining an appropriate amount to seek from the defendant.

When you choose Heimanson & Wolf, LLP, to handle your wrongful death claim, we will aim to craft a compelling complaint that encourages the defendant to seek a swift settlement. However, if we need to take your case to court, you can rely on us to represent you through all stages of litigation. The sooner you reach out to our team, the sooner we can begin developing a strategy for your case.

FAQs About Century City, CA Wrongful Death Lawyer

How Long Do You Have to File a Wrongful Death Claim?

The statute of limitations for wrongful death suits and all other personal injury claims filed is two years, starting on the date the fatal incident occurred. It is possible for the statute of limitations to toll or delay until the cause of death can be determined if it is not immediately obvious. Do not assume that two years is plenty of time for your case; it is always preferable to start the claim filing process as soon as possible.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim for a Wrongful Death in Century City?

The total value of any wrongful death claim filed depends on numerous factors, such as the extent and severity of the damages and the manner in which the defendant caused the death. The plaintiff has the right to seek compensation for the losses incurred by the deceased’s estate as well as those suffered by the deceased’s surviving family. Your Century City wrongful death attorney can help determine the full extent of damages you can include in your claim.

Will the Defendant Go to Jail for Causing a Wrongful Death?

It is possible for a defendant in a wrongful death suit to not only face civil liability for causing a wrongful death but also criminal charges if they broke California law in causing the death. Reckless driving, DUI, and violent crime are a few common examples of illegal misconduct that can lead to civil liability for wrongful death as well as criminal prosecution from the state. Causing the death of another person can easily lead to felony charges.

Do I Really Need to Hire a Century City Wrongful Death Attorney?

There is no law that strictly requires you to hire an attorney for your impending wrongful death claim, but you are not only more likely to win your case with an attorney’s help but also more likely to maximize your family’s total compensation. An experienced Century City wrongful death attorney can streamline your case dramatically and help you resolve it in a fraction of the time it would likely take for you to complete the case on your own.

What Does It Cost to Hire a Century City Wrongful Death Attorney?

The team at Heimanson & Wolf, LLP, can provide the compassionate legal representation your family needs without adding to your financial concerns. We take wrongful death suits on contingency, meaning our client does not pay any upfront or ongoing attorneys’ fees for representation. Our firm will take a percentage of your final case award as our fee, but only if and when we win your case. There is no fee if we can’t secure compensation.

Contact Us Today

The right legal team can have a tremendous positive influence over the outcome of a personal injury claim or wrongful death claim in Century City. The attorneys at Heimanson & Wolf, LLP, have years of professional experience handling a wide range of difficult cases, including wrongful death claims, and we are ready to put this experience to work for your family. Contact us today to schedule your consultation with our team.

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