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Downey Car Accident Lawyer

Downey Car Accident Lawyer

Downey Car Accident Attorney

Car accidents can happen unexpectedly in countless different ways, and these incidents often leave those affected wondering how they can recover their losses. California’s fault rule for vehicle crashes dictates that the driver who caused an accident is responsible for all resulting damages. If you or a family member is struggling in the aftermath of an accident someone else caused, a Downey car accident lawyer can help you hold them accountable.

Best Downey Car Accident Lawyer

Representing Car Accident Claims in Downey, CA

The attorneys at Heimanson & Wolf, LLP, have years of professional experience helping our clients navigate the aftermath of damaging accidents. We know the uncertainty and distress that can follow any unexpected vehicle accident, and our goal is to help every client we represent reach optimal results in their recovery efforts. When you choose us to represent you, we will do everything we can to help you recover as fully as state law allows.

You have a relatively short time in which to file a personal injury suit against the driver who hit you and an even shorter time in which to file your auto insurance claim. It’s wise to approach these recovery options with legal counsel on your side, and the more time your attorney has to work on your case, the better the results that you are likely to reach. Our firm can provide comprehensive support through every stage of your case.

Proving Fault for a Car Accident in Downey

The first legal challenge you will encounter in the aftermath of a car accident someone else caused is proving who caused the accident and how they caused it. Most of the accidents reported in the Downey area happen because of driver negligence, but accidents might also occur due to illegal and intentional misconduct. In any event, you must gather evidence proving the exact cause of the crash before you can pursue repayment of your damages.

Driver negligence takes many forms, including speeding, distracted driving, and moving violations. Whenever a driver violates their duty of care to operate their vehicle attentively and responsibly, they can easily cause an accident and incur liability for all resulting damages. An experienced Downey car accident lawyer can help their client gather any evidence needed to firmly assess fault, including both physical and digital evidence along with witness testimony.

Accidents caused by illegal misconduct are more complex when it comes to the legal proceedings these incidents generate. The at-fault driver faces civil liability for the damages they caused, but they will also face criminal prosecution from the state for breaking the law. These two cases can interact. For example, causing a personal injury through an illegal act could lead to punitive damages being awarded to the plaintiff in their civil suit.

Filing Your Auto Insurance Claim

Once fault for your accident has been firmly established, you can proceed with claiming compensation for the damages you sustained. While the average person may be able to identify their immediately recognizable economic losses, accurate assessment of the full long-term extent of their financial losses is more challenging without an attorney’s help. Auto insurance may only cover a fraction of your total claimable damages.

Your Downey car accident lawyer can help file your auto insurance claim, identify all the damages you can seek from the at-fault driver, and ensure your claim is handled in good faith. If you encounter any issues with the insurance carrier, your attorney can resolve these problems for you. Once you exhaust your available compensation through insurance, the next step in your case will be to file a personal injury suit against the at-fault driver.

Claimable Damages in Your Personal Injury Suit

The state has a very high rate of uninsured drivers, so filing an auto insurance claim after an accident may not be an option at all. Whether you cannot claim full compensation for your damages through insurance or an at-fault driver does not have insurance at all, a personal injury claim affords you the opportunity to be as whole as possible again if you have the right attorney assisting you.

Heimanson & Wolf, LLP can help you gather the evidence you need to firmly establish liability for your accident and build a compelling personal injury suit against the at-fault driver. Once you have proven fault, you have the right to claim compensation for any damages the other driver’s insurance cannot cover. These are likely to include:

  • Medical expenses and future medical treatment costs for your injuries. The defendant is liable for the cost of any medical care you need to reach maximum improvement from your injuries.
  • Lost wages and lost earning potential. If you are unable to work because of an accident, the at-fault driver must compensate you for the wages you were unable to earn. This includes lost future income if you have been permanently injured and will not be able to return to work in the future.
  • Property damage. The defendant’s insurance may not cover all of your vehicle repair or replacement costs. If so, you can claim the remainder in your personal injury suit.
  • Pain and suffering. California law allows you to claim financial compensation for the intangible losses the defendant inflicted in the accident. There is no limit to how much you can claim, and your Downey car accident lawyer can help determine a suitable figure.

Ultimately, the effects of any car accident can be incredibly damaging, and you should not have to bear the cost of another party’s negligence or misconduct behind the wheel. When you have Heimanson & Wolf, LLP, representing you, our firm can assist you with every phase of your recovery efforts until you reach the outcome you hope to see.

The majority of personal injury cases filed in Downey end in settlement negotiations, but settlement is possible only when all parties involved in a case are willing to compromise. We will do everything we can to settle your case swiftly, if possible, or resolve the matter in the courtroom if settlement isn’t a viable option for resolving your case.


Q: What Happens if More Than One Driver Shares Fault for an Accident in Downey?

A: It’s possible for more than one driver to share liability for an accident, in which case the state’s pure comparative fault rule applies to the case, and each liable party will have a fault percentage assigned. This is the percentage of the total damages they are responsible for repaying. If a plaintiff in a civil suit is found partially at fault, they lose a percentage of their compensation equal to their percentage of fault for causing the accident.

Q: How Long Do I Have to File a Car Accident Claim in Downey?

A: The recovery process after a vehicle accident typically begins with an auto insurance claim, and you have only a few days in which to file your claim after an accident. However, if you intend to pursue a personal injury claim against the at-fault driver, the statute of limitations or time limit for filing the claim with the court is two years from the date your accident occurred.

Q: What Are the Most Common Injuries From Car Accidents?

A: It’s possible for any vehicle accident to result in many serious injuries. Some of the most commonly reported injuries from vehicle crashes throughout the Downey area include traumatic brain injury, broken bones, internal organ damage, spinal injury, and facial and/or dental injuries. It’s possible for the victim to suffer multiple injuries, some of which will require extensive medical care and a long recovery time.

Q: How Much Compensation Can I Claim for a Car Accident in Downey?

A: The total potential value of your car accident claim hinges on the severity of the harm you suffered. The driver who caused the accident is liable for any economic damages they inflicted, such as vehicle repair costs and medical bills, and they are also responsible for the anticipated future losses you are likely to incur because of the accident. Additionally, you can claim whatever amount of pain and suffering compensation you deem reasonable.

Q: How Much Will It Cost to Hire a Downey Car Accident Lawyer?

A: The majority of attorneys accepting personal injury claims do so on a contingency fee basis, meaning the client pays a percentage of their total compensation to their attorney as a fee only after they have won their case. However, they do not pay a fee if their attorney cannot obtain compensation for them, so the attorney’s fee is entirely contingent upon their ability to secure a case award for the client.

The team at Heimanson & Wolf, LLP, has the skills and experience you want on your side to help you recover from any type of car accident in Downey. You have a limited time in which to file your insurance claim and personal injury suit, and the sooner you connect with a Downey car accident lawyer, the more likely you will be to reach a positive outcome for your case. Contact us today and schedule your free consultation with our team to learn how we can assist your recovery.

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