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Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident in California

Car accidents are a leading cause of personal injuries throughout California each year, and it is possible for these incidents to happen in various ways. If you or a family member has been injured in a car accident caused by someone else, an experienced car accident attorney can help determine your most viable recovery options and assist you in securing as much compensation as possible for your damages.

Most Commonly Reported Car Accident Injuries

It’s possible for any car accident to cause devastating harm to those involved. A few of the most commonly cited injuries from car accidents in California include:

  • Broken bones. Any bone fracture will be painful and require extensive recovery time, but severe breaks may require surgical correction, including the placement of steel pins and plates. Some severe breaks will cause chronic pain, diminish range of motion, and potentially result in disability.
  • Internal organ damage. It’s possible for a car accident to cause traumatic injuries inside the body, some of which can lead to internal bleeding and disrupt various critical bodily functions.
  • Traumatic brain injuries. The brain is highly susceptible to injuries from traumatic impact, and even a seemingly mild brain injury can have dramatic effects. Victims of traumatic brain injuries often experience a host of complex symptoms that can change over time, and severe brain injuries can cause permanent disabilities.
  • Spinal cord injuries. The spinal cord connects the brain to the rest of the body, allowing it to control bodily functions. Any injury to the spinal cord is permanent and may result in paralysis in the body connected to the spinal cord below the injury site.
  • Facial and dental injuries. Crash impact forces may cause an airbag to deploy, which can easily cause severe injuries to a driver’s face and head. Dislodged or broken teeth are also possible, and facial and dental injuries tend to be psychologically harmful as well as painful.

These are only a few examples of some of the most commonly reported injuries from car accidents throughout California each year. If you believe another driver is directly responsible for your recent accident, you have the right to seek accountability and compensation for your damages. Your recovery efforts are likely to begin with an auto insurance claim, followed by a personal injury suit if insurance alone can’t fully repay your losses.

Proving Fault for a Car Accident in California

California law requires the victim of a car accident to prove fault for their accident before they can recover any compensation for their losses. Distracted driving, speeding, moving violations, and intoxicated driving are just a few ways that another driver may bear liability for your recent accident. An experienced car accident attorney can help their client gather evidence to prove the exact cause of their recent car accident and help them uncover the full extent of their claimable damages.

Heimanson & Wolf, LLP, can provide the comprehensive legal counsel you need to navigate the aftermath of a car accident with confidence and peace of mind. Our team has years of professional experience representing car accident victims and knows how to maximize your recovery. You have a very limited window in which to pursue your recovery, so it is crucial that you connect with legal counsel you can trust as soon as possible.

FAQs About Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident in California (2025)

What Is a Catastrophic Injury?

The term “catastrophic injury” refers to any personal injury that involves permanent harm of any kind. Severe burns, traumatic brain injuries, and damage to the spinal cord are some of the most common examples of catastrophic injuries reported throughout the state. Victims typically face extensive immediate damages as well as substantial pain and suffering. Traumatic brain injuries are the most common catastrophic injuries resulting from car accidents.

How Much Compensation Can I Claim for a Car Accident?

California is a fault state when it comes to resolving car accidents, meaning the driver at fault for causing the accident is liable for all associated damages. The total potential value of your car accident claim hinges on the severity of the harm you suffered from the incident. The defendant who caused the accident may face liability for vehicle repair costs, medical expenses, lost wages, and your pain and suffering.

What Happens if an At-Fault Driver Does Not Have Insurance?

All drivers are legally required to have auto insurance, but the state has one of the highest rates of uninsured motorists in the country. If the driver who caused your accident does not have auto insurance, and you have not purchased uninsured motorist coverage with your own insurance policy, you will need to proceed directly to filing a personal injury claim against them to recover your losses.

How Do I Prove Damages From a Car Accident?

Before you can recover any compensation for the damages you suffered in your recent accident, you will need to prove the full extent of your damages and prove that they directly resulted from the accident and not some other cause. An attorney can help their client gather the evidence they need to prove the extent of their damages and to prove causation, linking the client’s damages to the defendant’s negligence or misconduct on the road.

What Does It Cost to Hire a Lawyer for a Car Accident?

The majority of attorneys representing personal injury clients do so on a contingency fee basis. This means the client is not required to pay upfront or hourly attorneys’ fees; instead, they pay their attorney a percentage of their final case award. Additionally, they are only required to pay this fee if and when the attorney wins their case, and there is no fee at all if the attorney cannot obtain compensation for the client.

Contact Us Today

The attorneys at Heimanson & Wolf, LLP, regularly assist victims of car accidents throughout the state, and we know the various legal challenges you could face as you seek accountability and compensation for the accident you recently experienced. If you need legal counsel you can trust to guide you through your recovery efforts, contact us today to schedule a case evaluation with our team.

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